Keller Williams Recruiting Magazine
As a Market Center, or REALTOR®, you have the unique opportunity to transform lives by helping people find their dream careers and make a wise decision to join Keller Williams. This booklet serves as your guide to showing the incredible benefits and opportunities that Keller Williams offers to new agents. This was developed by a KW Regional Director and BRANDco to have an easy recruiting tool for you!
The majority of the booklet is set content but you will need to confirm your logo is correct on page 1, and page 13. Add a QR code for your information on page 13, and customize pages 14 – 16! The rest has been done for you! Each booklet is folded and secured with two staples in the spine and cut to the final trim size before shipping. The final product is a full-color, 16-page saddle-stitched booklet.
Production Time: 5-7 days